Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Other Woman.

Single or Married the other woman seems to be lurking some where. Either in the physical or your subconcious.Who is this other woman? She is the one who desperately wants what you have. Praying for a slip that will send your man flying into her arms. Honey sweet arms that will lure him into an abyss...a journey that you cannot phatom the end. Oh you other woman! Your tongue is full of sweet lies. The fiery seduction of your wanton eyes. The curves of your decietful lips, slowly provoking even the most decent of men. Your hips sashay in sinful rythms. Circling your head is the halo of sodom. Your speech a two edged sword...destined to destroy.
You, other woman! A natural born Jezebel. Thou deserves a stone thrown at you....your eyes be scratched and torn out from thy socket. But before you act, take a trip to the mirror and look deep into your own eyes and you will see...the other woman lurks in you too.